SensSolutions has developed a sensor that allows online analysis of the level of bacteria and pathogens in the water, as well as checks in real time and without the need to extract samples and perform chemical tests. This prototype combines several sensors that analyze different parameters of water, both microbiological and chemical, such as chlorine, pH or legionella, among others. Its most remarkable innovation is that the sensors are self-calibrated, so it is not necessary for someone to be constantly aware of them. Depending on the results, notices or alerts are sent to carry out the necessary treatment. The project was developed in the Ecoemprendedor XXI program. In this conference, chemist Silvia Gómez, a sensor expert, Marck Collado, a telecommunications engineer, and Francesc Xavier Muñoz, a biotechnologist and researcher at the National Center for Microelectronics, designed P-sens, the name of this prototype. EcoEmprendedorXXI is a joint initiative of La Caixa, Barcelona Activa and KIC InnoEnergy to promote a creation program with the aim of promoting the creation of innovative companies with a high potential for growth in the field of renewable energies in Spain.
Sens Solutions Technology at Boston’s JumpStart for Women in Deeptech
(Barcelona, Spain) – Silvia Gomez, CEO of Sens Solutions, travels to Boston, MA from September 9th-13th to present the company’s advanced technology as one of 19 women entrepreneurs selected for the prestigious JumpStart for Women Read more…