Sens Solutions wants to present our new product, the AMR-S3DP
Sens Solutions (Spain) and Tech4care SRL (Italy) have joined synergies for the creation of Sens4Care, an innovative system of surveillance and control of infections aimed at multidrug-resistant organisms (MDGs) in hospitals.
The ultimate objectives of Sens4care are to improve the quality of care processes in hospitals, reduce the costs and operational impact of MDG infections, improve the suitability of the use of antimicrobial drugs, and reduce the community and social impact of the MDGs acquired in hospitals.
The group composed of Sens Solutions and Tech4Care is one of the four winning groups to establish a feasibility study to develop systems for the identification and detection of so-called “multi-drug resistant organisms”, also known as MDRO (Multidrug Resistant Organisms) or Superbugs, and other health-related infections.
This tender for the purchase of services for innovation and development (R & D) aims to achieve a significant improvement in the quality of care processes in hospital care, minimising risks to patients and reducing the side effects and costs of onset.
This tender for the purchase of services for innovation and development (R & D) aims to achieve a significant improvement in the quality of care processes in hospital care, minimising risks to patients and reducing the side effects and costs of onset.